
Делаем только профессиональные языковые переводы

We do only professional language translations


Translation of personal documents

Technical, medical, legal translations

Translation of scientific works

Translation of advertising texts

They recommend us

Бёмер Арматура Казахстан
Жана Роса
ГТК media
Сегмент LTD
Пик тайм

Стоимость переводов

Язык Перевод печати Перевод паспорта Шаблонный документ Текст
Каз-рус, рус-каз 600 2152 2000
Англ-рус, рус-англ 600 2152 2000
Каз-англ, англ-каз 1500 4152 4000
Азербайджанский 1500 2152 от 4390
Албанский 1990 2152 от 5190
Арабский 1990 2152 от 5690
Армянский 1990 2152 от 4590
Белорусский 1990 2152 от 4290
Болгарский 1200 2152 от 5490
Венгерский 1990 2152 от 6790
Вьетнамский 1990 2152 от 6790
Датский 1790 2152 от 7490
Голландски (Нидерландский) 1990 2152 от 6490
Греческий 1990 2152 от 5490
Грузинский 1990 2152 от 3590
Иврит 1890 2152 от 5990
Индонезийский 1790 2152 от 11190
Испанский 1590 2152 от 5490
Итальянский 1690 2152 от 5490
Каталанский 1490 2152 от 6190
Китайский 1790 2152 от 5490
Корейский 1890 2152 от 5790
Кыргызский 1590 2152 от 4590
Латышский 1690 2152 от 5490
Литовский 990 2152 от 5690
Македонский 1390 2152 от 5490
Малайский (Малайзийский) 1590 2152 от 6790
Молдавский 1190 2152 от 6490
Немецкий 1590 2152 от 3590
Нидерландский (Голландский) 1090 2152 от 5990
Норвежский 1190 2152 от 5590
Персидский (фарси) 1290 2152 от 6790
Польский 1890 2152 от 5190
Португальский 1790 2152 от 5790
Пушту 1790 2152 от 7390
Румынский (молдавский) 1990 2152 от 6490
Сербский 1690 2152 от 4790
Словацкий 1790 2152 от 4990
Словенский 1890 2152 от 4790
Тайский 1690 2152 от 4790
Таджикский 1790 2152 от 4390
Турецкий 1590 2152 от 5490
Туркменский 1490 2152 от 4790
Узбекский 1790 2152 от 4590
Украинский 1290 2152 от 3590
Урду 1990 2152 от 5490
Финский 1290 2152 от 6690
Французский 1950 2152 от 6390
Хинди 1650 2152 от 4190
Хорватский 1790 2152 от 4790
Чешский 1890 2152 от 4590
Шведский 1790 2152 от 5490
Эстонский 1990 2152 от 6790
Японский 1950 2152 от 4690
Доставка по городу 3000 3000 3000
Другие языки По запросу
Дубликат перевода 50% от стоимости первого перевода

You can always send a document to assess the cost to our e-mail or WhatsApp.


How to order a translation?

1. Send the document to assess the cost of translation.

         This can be done in the following ways:
       • Bring the document in our office
       • Send the document by e-mail kenespvl@mail.ru;
       • Send a document through our website www.kenespvl.kz, filling out the submission form;
       • Submit a photo of a document via WhatsApp to the number +7 778 727 0902

The more detailed you describe your order, the more accurate will be our conclusion on the price and terms.

2. If you are satisfied with the price and terms of the translation, you have to pay for your order in the amount of at least 50% of the total cost.

NOTE: If you refuse to order a translation upon payment (full or partial payment), 50% of the total cost of translation is not refundable.

  Payment Methods:
• Cash/cashless payments in our office
• Non-cash bank account for legal entities
• Transfer to a Visa card (HalykBank,Kazkommertsbank)
• Payment via any payment QIWI terminal

Are there any mistakes in your translations? I want you to make the translation without mistakes.

Everyone knows that in any work which is performed by man and even robot errors may occur. However, we are constantly working to improve the quality of translations and service.

Do you provide a service for the notary certification of the translation?

Yes. For your convenience, our company collaborates with a notary.

Upon receipt of the finished translation, you have the opportunity to get it NOTARIZED ALREADY (“one window” principle).

Notarization of translation is paid additionally (according to the notary’s pricelist, without any overpayment). Our specialist will help you to calculate the cost of notarial certification.

How professional are our translators?

Our company cooperates only with qualified translators with experience in the field of translation.

Translations on specific topics carried out by the translator, with experience in a particular field of knowledge (medicine, economy, law, engineering, etc.).

Do we use machine translation?

No. Modern machine translation technology is not intended for professional use and may not provide a good quality of translation. Only a translation performed by a professional translator, will meet all quality criteria such as:correct transfer of meaning, competent selection of terminology, as well as the preservation of the cultural and social nuances of the original text.

How to calculate the translation costs?

To do this, you need to determine the number of pages of translation in the original text (one page of translation consists of 1800 characters of text, including spaces), and then multiply that number by the corresponding tariff.There are prices of general subject and personal documents in our price list. Please mention that we use surcharges for urgency and level of difficulty:

+30% Finance, Business, Journalism, Law

+40% Health, Pharmaceuticals, IT, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Metallurgy, Oil and Gas, Construction, Chemical Industry

from +50 to +100%Urgent translation


There are specialized programs for calculating the volume of text, but the easiest way – is to use the MS Word statistics software (menu “Tools” – “Statistics”). If you are not sure that the correct calculations made, please send us the original material by e-mail kenespvl@mail.ru or through the sending form on this site, and our experts will tell you the exact cost of translation